
Abstracts For MAHAPEDICON 2022

The scientific committee invites abstracts for the MAHAPEDICON 2022 scheduled at Taj Gateway, Nashik on 16" to 20" November 2022. We appeal to the busy pediatricians, academicians and the post-graduate students to showcase their work at this scientific gathering as a poster or oral-paper presentation. The detailed guideline for abstract is as below.


The deadline for submitting the abstracts is 20th of October 2022.


Practicing pediatricians who are members of the central IAP are eligible to send the abstract. For post-graduate students [post-MBBS], a letter of recommendation from the Head of the department is necessary. Registering for the conference is must in order to be able to present the poster / paper.


The abstract must be the original work by the presenting author. Title page of the abstract should include:

  • Full name of the presenting author
  • Designation and Department and Institution with address
  • E mail address, Mobile number
  • Title of the paper
  • Author List (Give full names of all authors)
  • Abstract Word Count
  • Mention preference [Poster/Oral]. The committee may suggest you to change the preference after reviewing the abstract.

Main abstract

  • The abstract can be based on any aspects of Pediatrics, Adolescent Health or Neonatology.
  • Word Limit: The main body of the abstract should not exceed 300 words.
  • It needs to be typed with single line spacing in Times New Roman font in word format [size 12].
  • Abstract can include tables/graphs/images (if necessary]
  • The abstract should be structured as far as possible in the following manner

The abstract should be structured as far as possible in the following manner(Except Case Reports):

  • 1.Introduction
  • 2.Aims & Objectives
  • 3.Material & Methods (including statistical methods where relevant)
  • 4.Results
  • 5.Conclusions


The abstracts need to be sent by email to abstract.mahapedicon2022@gmail.com


For Postgraduates, this helps you fulfil your mandatory requirement by the NMC. Presentation at a conference makes your research visible to your peer group. For practicing pediatricians, abstract presentation is often the first step into the field of publication. Plus, we have attractive prizes for the best posters and oral presentations. The poster committee holds all the rights to select or reject the submitted abstracts. Upon selection, the candidate will receive further details about the presentation. *Dr. Tushar Godbole - 7774082834 *Dr. Sanjay Aher - 9823566509 *Dr. Ravindra Sonawane - 8208158034 *Dr. Nitin Mehkarkar - 9623891913 [Poster Committee, Mahapedicon 2022]